Attendance And Leave Requirements
- Students must enter the class rooms at the stroke of the first bell at 9.40 am. and settle
down. They are obligated to create a conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning in
the classroom/s.
- During the Prayer at 9.50 am., students are expected to stand up, be silent and recollected
to seek the Divine help for the day’s work/study.
- Attendance will not be given to those who reach the classroom after the morning Prayer.
- Students must strictly follow their Class Schedule, i.e., they ought to be present for all
the lectures, Lab and Library work, etc, if applicable.
- Attendance is taken before the commencement of instruction, i.e., at the beginning of
every hour.
- Be present in the classroom prior to the commencement of the instruction/lectures to
avoid inconvenience to others, and the faculty member/s. If one is late for 5 or more
minutes without valid a reason, he/she will not be given attendance for the entire hour.
- Absence for an hour will be counted as absence for half a day.
- Separate attendance register is maintained for each subject, and regular attendance is a
criterion for awarding internal marks (CEM) in that subject.
- Absentees must submit to the class teacher, in the prescribed Leave Application Form,
reasons for their absence, and it must be counter-signed by the parent/local guardian.
- A student unable to attend the class for five consecutive working days because of serious
illness and/or hospitalization must submit the required Medical Certificate.
- Continuous absence for 10 days without valid reasons, and proof, will lead to the
removal of the student’s name from the Attendance Roll.
- Students are permitted to appear for the End Semester Evaluation only if they have
secured not less than 75% attendance in that Subject during the Semester.
- Condonation of the shortage of attendance for a maximum period of 12 days during a
Semester, and a maximum of two times during the entire Degree Programme may be
granted by the University.
- Benefit of the Condonation of Attendance may be granted to those students who attend
the approved activities of the College/University with the concurrence of the Principal.
- Participation in such activities may be treated as presence in lieu of their absence on
production of the participation/attendance Certificate in curricular or extracurricular
- A student who is not eligible for condonation of shortage of attendance shall be permitted
to repeat the Course of Study, if all other criteria are met.